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County Clerk

Burial Transit Permit

Burial Transit Permits may be requested and printed through TxEver.  If you are unable to print your request through TxEver and need to obtain a burial transit permit during or after our normal business hours or on holidays please email the County Clerk’s office at AND

After the request is sent through TxEver, please include the following in your email request:

  • Deceased person’s name

  • If the death is not natural and an autopsy was performed by:
  • -The Fort Bend County M.E.'s office, please provide the Authorization of Next of Kin to Release Decedent/Personal Effects to Funeral Director from the M.E.’s Office that is signed.

  • -The Harris County M.E.'s office, please provide the signed Notification of Release.

  • Cremation Authorization – If no Autopsy was needed, we will need the Cremation Authorization that is signed by the JP.


NOTE: A Burial Transit Permit must be obtained for cremation. [CCP Art. 49.09, CCP Art. 49.25(10), 25 TAC 181.2] A body may not be cremated until 48 hours after death as indicated on the Certificate of Death unless the death certificate indicates the death was due to Asiatic cholera, bubonic plague, typhus fever, or small pox.

Texas Administrative Code - Assuming Custody of Body

Handbook on Death Registration - see pages 15-17 regarding Burial Transit Permits


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