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Maintenance Division

Maintenance services provided by the Road & Bridge department include:

· Road Construction- Maintenance and Repairs

· Bridge Construction- Maintenance and Repairs

· Drainage- Low Water Crossings and Culverts

· Residential Driveway/Culvert Installations

· Vegetative Management within the County Right-of-Way

· Debris Removal

· Road Sign Installation and Maintenance

Requests During Working Hours:

Waller County Road & Bridge
775 Bus 290 East

Hempstead, TX 77445
Phone: (979) 826-7670

Monday - Thursday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Friday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

After Working Hours:

Waller County Sheriff's Office
100 R. Glenn Smith Drive

Hempstead, TX 77445
Phone: (979) 826-8282

Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm



NOTICE: If you have an open concern on file, it is not necessary to file a second one on the same matter.

Please be aware that all information (except your email address) that you submit on this form is subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act.

Please complete the entire maintenance request form and submit it below.  Provide pertinent information about your complaint including copies of letters, photographs, etc.  Please provide names and addresses of persons involved (or witnesses if applicable), dates when the event occurred, and address(s) of occurrence.  Attached documents will become property of the Waller County Road & Bridge Department.

Location, Address, Property ID, Longitude & Latitude, Cross Streets of Concern Please describe the location as detailed as possible so that we can have our crews locate the issue as soon as possible.
Maintenance Issue Please describe the reason for a maintenance request.
Maintenance Request

Lane of concern

Travel Direction on Road

Please describe the concern as detailed as possible
What date was this issue noticed?
What time was this issue noticed?
In case we need to reach you:
First Name
Email Address
Last Name
Phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx

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