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Road and Bridge & Engineering  Department

The Waller County Road & Bridge Department is dedicated to providing comprehensive planning, design, mapping, and management services to facilitate quality construction of private development, public roads, and public infrastructure in an effort to enhance public safety and the quality of life in the County.


In the unincorporated areas of Waller County, a permit is required when proposed construction or other development is characterized by any of the following:

·Any work to be performed within a floodplain or flood-prone area (Special Flood Hazard Area) as defined by the latest Flood Insurance Rate Maps. To confirm if your property is in a floodplain, please visit the FEMA Flood Map Service Center at

·Fill placement or excavation outside the Floodplain greater than 500 cubic yards per acre of land, and/or there is a change in any elevation by six (6) inches or more.

·No structural fill is allowed inside the Floodplain, any other fill inside the floodplain must be mitigated and reviewed by Waller County. It is recommended that any work conducted inside the Floodplain be reviewed by the Waller County Engineers Office. 

·Construction of any any structure or concrete slab (including existing building modification) which is equal to or larger than 100 square feet, including but not limited to a barn, garage, workshop, dwelling or storage building.

·Work involves the development of improved or unimproved real estate including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or storage of equipment and materials.

·Installation of a driveway connection to a County maintained roadway.

·Installation of a turn lane or median opening on a County maintained roadway.

·Installation, repair or boring of cable, conduit, pipe and/or poles and lines within the right-of-way of County maintained roadways and drainage ditches.

·Detention ponds or tanks.


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